A new gas analyzer to measure formaldehyde emissions at the plywood mill in Bratsk

In June 2018, a new gas analyzer to measure formaldehyde emissions was installed in the quality control lab of the Ilim Timber plywood mill in Bratsk. This will increase the efficiency of the plywood control tests and help to reduce the costs incurred by using third party services.

The hardware and software were delivered by TsSL Lessertika, a certification center. Lessertika was also in charge of Ilim Timber employee trainings on site. The new gas analysis is based ont the EN 717–2 measurement standard. Besides, analysis results are audited twice a year by MPA, an independent materials testing institute in Bremen.

The Ilim Timber mill in Bratsk is CE certified for the European market, the EN 717–2 standard being an integral part of the CE requirements. Softwood plywood produced in Bratsk is distributed throughout EU markets. It is widely recognized as a product that meets the highest environmental standards.

Ilim Timber Industry

22А, Sinopskaya Naberezhnaya,
St. Petersburg
191167 Russia 

office@ilimtimber.com +7(812) 332 7227 +7(812) 332 7375

Ust-Ilimsk Branch of Ilim Timber

UILPK Industrial site
666684, Ust'-Ilimsk, Irkutsk region, Russia

taiga-office@ui.ilimtimber.com +7 (3953) 590-480 (300)

Bratsk Branch of Ilim Timber

BLPK Industrial site
665718, Bratsk, Irkutsk region, Russia

dok-priemn@ibdok.ilimtimber.com +7 (3953) 496-699

Shanghai Representative Office

168 Mid-Yincheng Rd, Pudong, Shanghai
200120, P.R.China

china@ilimtimber.com +86 (21) 508 72280